Logo Design: Its History, Evolution and Future

The emergence of the word "logo" can be traced back to ancient Greece. A logo essentially referred to a form of cipher consisting of the initials of a name designed for easy recognition among the viewers. Such ciphers/ logos were widely used as monograms of the rulers and their dynasties in the ancient Greek and Roman coins. During the thirteenth century, the concept of logo design developed from ordinary ciphers to distinct trademarks for various traders and organizations.

The evolution of a logo as an indispensable branding strategy started of in the 1800’s. This was marked by the well-known story of a London based curio dealer named Marcus Samuel who used to sell shell-covered boxes. Over a period of time his business flourished and thus he started dealing in a variety of objects like kerosene, jewel and later on oil. By the year 1830 his company had a worldwide presence. Finally in the year 1897 his business was popularly known as the Shell Transport and Trading Company being visually represented by a simple seashell as its trademark/ logo, which later on became one of the most successful and probably the world’s best-known logo design. It was during this period, the very essence of a logo graduated a step further with the introduction of the famous “Rock of Gibraltar” logo representing Prudential Financial, Inc. This particular trademark served not only as a simple logo design but also projected the company as a powerful entity possessing the similar attributes of endurance and security as that of the “Rock of Gibraltar”. This is a classic example of how a relevant graphical image can communicate a message with a lot more impact that what mere words can do.

Over the years, rapid industrialization led to fierce competition, which in turn led to an increased importance of having a logo as the brand identifier. In order to stay and lead a competition, a distinct logo design is a crucial part of a company’s branding strategy. Today, there are thousands of logos around us and many more are added every year, out of which only a few stay in our mind. In such a competitive market, every corporate entity desires to have a distinct and powerful presence. A good logo design certainly helps in building up a strong brand presence of the company.

In the present context, a logo is not just a text or a graphical image designed to represent a company. A variety of factors are taken into consideration that finally results into a good logo design. A good logo design is the result of extensive research, which can only be carried out by professional logo design companies. Over the centuries, good corporate logo designs have played a vital part in scripting the success stories of various companies and organizations. In the coming years, with the introduction of many more brands and business entities, the marketplace will get even more competitive, and thus the services of a professional logo firm can only facilitate a company in carving out a niche segment for themselves.



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